Jurisdictional Immunities of States
Jurisdictional Immunities of States: what’s new after the judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the dispute between…
Orchid Exhibition
On the way to the 23rd World Orchid Conference in 2020… Orchid Exhibition at Taiwan Mission to the WTO, Geneva,…
Price reduction as remedy for contract breach
An economic analysis of the price reduction as remedy for contract breach under the United Nations Convention on contracts for…
Quel est l’avenir de la ZLECAf?
La Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf) a été lancée au sommet de l’Union africaine de Niamey en 2019, avec…
Quo vadis World Trade Organization?
Mr. Robert Azevêdo, the director-general of the World Trade Organization resigned effective August 31st, and many scholars considered this departure as another…
Stimulating stagnant economies through accurate economic policies
This paper assumes that stagnant economies should benefit from accurate economic policies and that these policies once elaborated and effectively…
The enlargement of the EU and the common trade policy. Impact on the candidate countries
The enlargement of the EU and the common trade policy. Lessons learnt from the post-communist countries. In May 2019, we…
The first TECH4IMPACT Call for proposals is now open until 31 July 2020
As one of the worldwide leading innovation countries, Switzerland has an opportunity to make its unique technological expertise and innovation…
The future of the EU-UK relations
23rd of June 2020 marks 4 years since UK voted to leave the EU. Following the EU-UK high level meeting…
Jurisdictional Immunities of States
Jurisdictional Immunities of States: what’s new after the judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the dispute between…
Orchid Exhibition
On the way to the 23rd World Orchid Conference in 2020… Orchid Exhibition at Taiwan Mission to the WTO, Geneva,…
Price reduction as remedy for contract breach
An economic analysis of the price reduction as remedy for contract breach under the United Nations Convention on contracts for…
Quel est l’avenir de la ZLECAf?
La Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf) a été lancée au sommet de l’Union africaine de Niamey en 2019, avec…
Quo vadis World Trade Organization?
Mr. Robert Azevêdo, the director-general of the World Trade Organization resigned effective August 31st, and many scholars considered this departure as another…
Stimulating stagnant economies through accurate economic policies
This paper assumes that stagnant economies should benefit from accurate economic policies and that these policies once elaborated and effectively…
The enlargement of the EU and the common trade policy. Impact on the candidate countries
The enlargement of the EU and the common trade policy. Lessons learnt from the post-communist countries. In May 2019, we…
The first TECH4IMPACT Call for proposals is now open until 31 July 2020
As one of the worldwide leading innovation countries, Switzerland has an opportunity to make its unique technological expertise and innovation…
The future of the EU-UK relations
23rd of June 2020 marks 4 years since UK voted to leave the EU. Following the EU-UK high level meeting…