Multilateral Conferences and Diplomatic Negotiations
The book examines the crucial role of multilateral conferences as negotiation fora for creation and advancement of sustainable international relations and that of diplomatic negotiations as means of reaching agreement. It offers a synopsis of the exciting and constantly evolving world of diplomatic negotiations and multilateral conferences with particular emphasis on the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organizations (WTO) and the European Union (EU). The book questions the suitability of the institutions established in the wake of World War II and their ability to adapt and provide the negotiation mechanisms required to face current globalized world challenges. It pleas for efficient multilateral conferences and successful diplomatic negotiations, arguing that both are feasible by means of adequate application of internationally-established rules, mechanisms, methods and instruments. The book builds on the author’s expertise as negotiator and chairman in the UN, the WTO and the EU context. Through practical contents, account and analysis, rich bibliographies consulted and numerous citations, this book aspires to be a worthy contribution to the core literature. It is intended for both specialized and non-specialized audiences, being a reference for professionals – State and non-State actors – engaged in negotiating at multilateral level and involved in international conferences. It is also a useful resource for anyone interested in the current global world affairs and their implications for domestic constituencies.